Wayne-Holmes Baseball League 2025

Chippewa Chipps Dalton Bulldogs Hiland Hawks Hillsdale Falcons Northwestern Huskies Norwayne Bobcats Rittman Indians Smithville Smithies Triway Titans Waynedale Golden Bears West Holmes Squires Wooster Generals

Shannon Bitskay Field

Address*10377 Wooster Pike, Creston, OH 44217CommunityNorwayne
DirectionsTake Ohio 3 to the park entrance north of downtown Creston. Go east, then north to the field. This field is after Creston Park - Sheppard Field.
* Address may not be exact

OHSAA NFHS NFHS MaxPreps ArbiterLive Hudl

Wayne Holmes Baseball, Inc.
1575 Saunders Drive, Wooster, OH 44691